Business Headshot or Personal Branding?

When a client contact me regarding a business headshot I feel I would like to educate them a little more about different options they have. We definitely can go beyond the traditional headshot and have a more modern approach, something  I call “Personal Branding”.

Most small business owners represent their own brand so we want this image be professional and at the same time represent our brand as clear as possible. Being professional does not mean being stiff or executive-style studio shot it means pictures that capture your essence so people feel like they are meeting the person they expected.

Also, in the online world, we often don’t have a chance to meet everyone in person, so the image we hold in our head is whatever that person is willing to provide. And too often what is provided is not flattering.

Tim came to my photography studio and had a clear idea of how he wants to be photographed. He wanted some formal shot as well as some casual pictures to show different sides of his personality. He wanted to convey being professional but approachable and friendly.